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Customer Testimonials

Thank you again for the GREAT FOOD and GREAT SERVICE you provided for my 40th Birthday LaBella Soiree. Working with Caribbean Bites was amazing! Everything was wonderful- the food, the service, the chef! Words are really not adequate enough to describe how pleased I was with all that Caribbean Bites did for my birthday event. All of guest guests were please and could not stop raving about how delicious all the food was. I highly recommend Caribbean Bites for you next event! 


" Hey good morning I really appreciate all of your service and the food was amazing thank you so much we were hoping that with leftover of the food in the cake please let me know!"


Just landed...we had such great time!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Everything was great and my guests and I LOVED the food!!! The presentation was wonderful as well. Thank you again!!

- JOANNE in New York

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